08 May Talking Dog Therapy
Talking Dog Therapy
Here in our homes, we are very fortunate to have weekly visits from Eli and Artie. Artie is a
therapy dog and Eli is his human. This dynamic duo are part of the Wag & Co Team. Wag &
Co is a visiting dog charity that befriends older people in their own homes and care
settings and is aimed at reducing loneliness and isolation.
Our residents love Eli and Artie and look forward to their visits. Eli knows all the residents by
name and is a familiar and friendly face in our homes. Dog therapy is so important and
works really well for older people who are suffering from dementia or who are unable to
leave their beds.
Artie is quite happy to jump on the bed for a cuddle and a treat and
nobody seems to mind! Older people with either physical or psychological communication barriers
can relate really well to animals, especially dogs, and this can bring about calm and feelings of well-being in
the person.
Visits can improve moods and reduce the risk of developing depression as well
as reducing feelings of anxiety and sadness.
We have lots of dog lovers in our homes, and those who miss their own dogs are able to
take comfort from being near a loving furry friend like Artie and his lovely assistant, Eli.