14 Apr 4 benefits of music for seniors
It is widely known that music is a form of therapy and is especially important for older adults suffering from dementia. As dementia takes hold and starts to damage the brain, music is one of the areas that the brain is still able to remember and recognise.
In our homes music plays a big part in daily life. This can be in the form of having the radio on, playing old musicals on the TV, or having professional music therapists in for an activity. Most of our residents love listening to and playing music.
The benefits of music for older people are vast but here are the main 4 we have noticed:-
- Improves overall mood of the individual and the room – We always have a lot of fun during a music event and get a lot of enjoyment from it. This can be seen especially when residents are playing instruments and making music. People feel proud of what they have achieved and enjoy talking about this after the event.
- Encourages socialisation – Music groups are great and friendships are forged during this time. Even though memory can be an issue for many of our residents they usually do remember people who are in their group.
- Promotes physical health – Usually, along with singing or playing instruments, there is also some dancing. Even if this is shaking hands or moving shoulders and we also have a lot of tapping toes!
- Reduces stress – There is a marked difference in some of our more anxious residents during music sessions. Sometimes just a little encouragement is needed to get them to join in however, once they do there is lots of laughing and having fun.
These are just a few of the benefits of music for seniors but there are many more. It’s all about choosing the right music or activity that appeals to the individual then having a go.